24/7 Notfall Hotline

+49 30 994045736

24/7 Notfall Hotline

How to Recover Data Encrypted by Ransomware!

We have managed to bring the last hope to companies and individuals who have suffered a catastrophic loss of data, losses that could result in bankruptcies, layoffs, disrepute in the corporate world, and many other consequences that are difficult to specify. Only those who have experienced the transformation of data loss know the financial and psychological consequences it causes.

With all our experience we can recover your data in a safe and fast way. We have a large team of highly qualified professionals, exclusive software, and a confidentiality agreement (NDA Agreement) with all of our customers to ensure confidence in the contract and data recovery.

With 24×7 availability we can diagnose your devices within 24 business hours, and in emergency cases we can recover them within 48 hours. To speed up this process even more, we can do the recovery remotely.

Trusted by Content-Critical Businesses Worldwide

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